Jumat, 29 September 2017


Source Text:

Di adat Jawa, ketika sang pengantin wanita telah selesai melakukan siraman, biasanya si orang tua pihak wanita melakukan tradisi Dodolan Dawet.
Ceritanya, si orang tua pihak wanita sedang woro-woro ke tetangga bahwa mereka tengah mantu dan menghidangkan minuman dawet. Bentuk dawet yang bulat-bulat juga bermakna bahwa si orang tua sudah memiliki tekad bulat untuk menikahkan anaknya. ‘Mata uang’ yang digunakan untuk transaksi jual beli dawet adalah bulatan kreweng, yaitu sebuah bentuk tembikar yang mirip dengan uang logam. Makna dari mata uang kreweng adalah pada dasarnya manusia berasal dari bumi.
Di adat Betawi, Bukan sekedar roti yang terasa enak di lidah. Roti Buaya bagi pernikahan khas Betawi punya sarat mendalam tentang kesetiaan.
Roti buaya bermakna kesetiaan yang akan dialami oleh pasangan mempelai pada adat Betawi. Konon, masyarakat Betawi percaya bahwa buaya hanya memiliki satu pasangan sepanjang hidupnya. Kepercayaan inilah yang melatar-belakangi budaya pemberian roti buaya ketika pelaksanaan pernikahan. Selain itu, roti buaya juga dijadikan souvenir bagi anggota keluarga yang belum menikah dengan harapan segera mendapatkan jodohnya. (1 year ago By Andhika Lady Maharsi).

Target text using google translate:

In Javanese custom, when the bride has finished doing the splash, usually the woman's parent does the Dodolan Dawet tradition.
The story, the parents of the women are woro-woro to the neighbors that they are mantu and serve dawet drinks. The rounded form of dawet also means that the parent already has a determination to marry off his son. The 'currency' used for buying and selling dawet is kreweng sphere, which is a form of pottery similar to a coin. The meaning of kreweng currency is basically humans derived from the earth.
In Betawi custom, not just bread that tastes good on the tongue. Crocodile Bread for a typical Betawi wedding has a deep loyalty about loyalty.
Bread crocodile means loyalty that will be experienced by the couple on the Betawi customs. It is said that the Betawi people believe that the crocodile has only one partner throughout his life. It is this belief that underlies the culture of baking crocodiles during the marriage. In addition, crocodile bread is also used as a souvenir for family members who are not married with the hope of getting his soul mate immediately.

Words analysis:


This word has no changed after translated via google, it is because siraman means a traditional ceremony in Javanese custom. So, google translate did not understand what siraman means if the word changing with English version.

Dodolan dawet:

This word is not translated by google, because dodolan dawet is Javanese tradition in wedding ceremony. Which is, google can not find what dodolan dawet means.

Woro-woro :

This word has not changed after translated via google, because woro-woro is Javanese languange and that means is “pengumuman” in Bahasa or “announcement” in English. this language is only used as everyday language in Java society.


This word cannot translate into English, because kreweng is Javanese language or local language and that means is broken pitcher which made of clay. Kreweng has a purpose to remind us that humans come from the earth.

Roti Buaya:

Roti buaya after translated with google translate is “crocodile breads” this word can be translated into English because it is not local language, but general word. however, if we are asking to the native speakers he or she did not understand what is “ crocodile breads”.

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